• About 850,000 Gabonese People will head to the Ballot on Saturday, August 26, 2023 in an Election that will either see the 64 Years old incumbent President, Ali Bongo, extending his Family’s 56 Years Grip on Power by 5 More Years or an Unprecedented Change of Guard in this Oil and Timber Rich, Central African Country.  16 Men and 2 Women are seeking to End the Bongo Dynasty by Unseating President Ali Bongo who is still recovering from a Stroke that he suffered in 2018.
  • Ali Bongo took Power in 2009 after the Death of his Father, President Omar Bongo, who was in his 42nd Year in Power when he Succumbed to Cancer on June 2009. The Two, Father and Son, have now Ruled Gabon for 56 Consecutive Years and may Rule for the next 5 Years to make it 61 Years in 2028, when Gabon is expected to hold another Election. A Constitutional Amendment passed on April 2023 abolished Term Limits in elective Positions, a Change that now allows President Ali Bongo to keep vying for the Presidency after every 5 Years.
  • Albert Ondo Ossa: a Professor of Economics and former Cabinet Minister now running under a united Opposition-Alternance 2023 Ticket, is the main Challenger to President Ali Bongo in this Election. Prominent Figures who have stepped down for Ondo Ossa in this Opposition Coalition are former Prime Minister, Ndong Sima, former Advisor to President Omar Bongo Mike Jocktane, former Minister and MP Barro Chambrier, Businessman Therence Gnembou, Educationist, former Minister and MP, Paulette Missambo who is one of the 2 Women in this Election. Victoire Duboze, also a former Cabinet Minister now remains the only Woman Candidate in this Election. Ali Bongo’s former Vice President, Maganga Moussavou is also a key Candidate in this Election.

GABON Fact-File:

  • Gabon is a Central African Country along the Atlantic Ocean Today Home to 2.4 Million People.
  • Economically, Gabon is classified as an Upper Middle-income Country with a Nominal GDP of $ 21 Billion and a GDP Per Capita of $ 8,820. Gabon has the Third highest GDP Per Capita in Africa.
  • Gabon’s Economy is largely dependent on Oil and Timber: the Country’s main Exports. Gabon is among the Top 10 largest Producers/Exporters of Oil in Africa, it’s also among the Top 10 African Countries with the biggest Oil Reserves. Oil accounts for over 70% of Gabon’s Total Exports, the Sector contributes 40% to the Country’s GDP and nearly Half of Government Revenue. Gabon is also the World’s second largest Producer and Exporter of Manganese.
  • Gabon is the World’s Third Most Forested Country. 88% of Gabon is covered by Forest.
  • In the most recent United Nations Development Program-UNDP’s ‘Human Development Index’; Gabon is ranked among “High Human Development” Category of Nations at Position 112 out of 191 World Nations. On the World Social Progress Index, Gabon is ranked at Position 105 out of 169 World Nations. The 2 Indexes take Account of Key Dimensions of Human Development that is; Healthy Life, being Knowledgeable-Education, a Decent Standard of Living-access to basic Human Needs, Safety, Personal Freedom and Rights, Foundations of Well-being and Opportunities for Progress among many other Indicators of Social and Human Development/Progress.
  • On the latest Human Capital Index which is a Measure of Human Capital that a Child born Today in Gabon can expect to attain by their 18th Birthday in Terms of Education and Health Standards in their Country expressed in a Scale of (0-1). Gabon scored 0.5; the Second Highest Score amongst 46 African Countries in the 174 World Countries assessed by World Bank in their 2020 HCI Report. Mauritius and Seychelles had the highest Score in Africa at 0.6.
  • On the most recent ‘Transparency International Corruption Perception Index’ Report that ranks 180 World Countries by their Perceived Levels of Public Sector Corruption; Gabon is ranked at Position 136 out of 180 Countries with a Score of 29/100.
  • On the 2023 ‘Reporters without Borders- Press Freedom Index’ Report that ranks 180 World Countries by the Level of Press Freedom enjoyed by Journalists and the Media; Kenya is ranked at Position 94 out of 180 Countries with a Score of 58/100.The Rankings is based on a 0-100 Score;100 being the Best Possible Score-highest possible Level of Press Freedom and 0 the Worst.
  • Located astride the Equator along the Coast of Central Africa; Gabon is a key Tourist Destination with 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Lope-Okanda Ecosystem and Relict, and Ivindo National Park. Other top Tourist Destinations in Gabon include,
  • Pointe-Denis Beach, Loango and Akanda National Parks, Makokou and Kongou Falls, Fernan Vaz Lagoon, Mandji Island, Lastoursville, Lambarene, Lope National Reserve, Coco and Tropicana Sandy Beaches among others.
  • The Colonial-Era CFA Franc is still being used as Gabon’s Currency.
  • French- inherited from former Colonial Ruler-France, is Gabon’s official Language. Fang, a local Language is seen by many as Gabon’s National Language.
  • Gabon is a Secular State. 85% of Gabonese People are of Christian Faith, about 10% are Muslims.
  • Libreville is Gabon’s Capital City. Other big Cities in Gabon are Port-Gentil, Masuku, Oyem, Moanda, Owendo and Mouila.


48 Years old Top Gabonese Army General, Brigadier General BRICE OLIGUI NGUEMA was on September 4, 2023 Sworn in as Gabon’s Transition President after Overthrowing his Cousin, President Ali Bongo in a Bloodless Coup on August 30, 2023, Hours after his Declaration as the Winner of Controversial August 26, 2023 Presidential Election. The highly disputed Victory would have enabled the Bongo Family Rule Gabon for 60 Years. General Brice Oligui had been the Head of Gabon’s most Prominent Military Security Unit – the Republican Guard and Presidential Security Unit under President Ali Bongo.

PRESIDENT ALI BONGO took Power in 2009 after the Death of his Father, PRESIDENT OMAR BONGO, who was in his 42nd Year in Power when he Succumbed to Cancer on June 2009. Gen. Brice Oligui equally served as President Omar Bongo’s ‘Aide-de-Camp’ and Commander of the Country’s Presidential Guard.

The new ‘Committee for Transition and Restoration of Institutions-CTRI’ Junta led by Gen.Brice Oligui has placed President Ali Bongo and his Family under House Arrest. Ali Bongo’s eldest Son and right-hand Man, Noureddin Bongo and other Top Bongo Regime Officials have been arrested for what the Junta termed as high Treason, Drug Trafficking, Corruption, Money Laundering and other Economic Crimes.Without giving a Transition Timeline, Gen. Brice Oligui says the CTRI will move “Quickly but Surely” to “Reorganize Gabon’s Institutions in order to make them more Democratic and more in line with International Standards for Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms, Democracy and the Rule of Law.”

ONDO OSSA; Alternance 2023-Gabon’s Opposition Coalition Leader has Criticized the Military Takeover terming it as 2 Coups in One; a Coup against his Electoral Victory and a Coup amongst the Bongo Clan. “He’s a Cousin of Bongo, how can I think he is different? It is a Palace Revolution; We are still under Bongo Power, this Young Man grew up in the Palace, I knew him as a Relative of Bongo, as all Gabonese know. Basically, I think the Bongo Family got rid of one of its Members. This is a Family Affair where one Brother replaces another. I’m asking CTRI to restore Republican and Constitutional order. The Electoral Process must be brought to a Conclusion, and the Results must be announced so that I can become the Legitimate President and then the Legal president once they have been validated by the Constitutional Court. I have no Doubts about my Victory. Everyone has the Results, including the Diplomatic Missions.”-Alternance 2023 Leader, Albert Ondo Ossa.

Brig.Gen.President Brice Oligui Inaugural Speech:

“As the former Ghanaian President, Jerry John Rawlings said, “When the people are crushed by their leaders, with the complicity of the judges, it is up to the army to give them their freedom.” It is with this spirit that on August 30, 2023, like a meteorite in the dark night, the Defense and Security Forces of our country took their responsibilities by refusing the electoral Coup d’état which had just been announced by the Gabonese Elections Center following an outrageously biased electoral process. The Republican Army refused to support a Crime which, once too often, would have cost the lives of many Citizens. The defense and security forces had a double choice: either kill Gabonese people, who would have legitimately demonstrated, or put an end to a rigged electoral process, the conditions of which did not allow democratic expression.

It is with full responsibility that we said NO. Never again in our beautiful Country, Gabon. Without any Violence, Clashes and Bloodshed, the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions-CTRI changed the Regime which had Confiscated the Power of Institutions of the Republic for several Years, in Contempt and flagrant Violation of democratic Rules. We thank the people who spontaneously supported this Patriotic Act.

Our country deserves strong, credible institutions, healthier governance, more in line with international standards in terms of respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law. With the Government that will be set up in a few days, made up of experienced people and people with proven competence, we will strive to give everyone reasons to hope for a better life. Here and now, I solemnly undertake to spare no effort so that, at the end of this transition, our country will be endowed with strong, democratic and credible institutions.

Today, the Happy Times dreamt of by our ancestors are finally coming to us. We therefore need profound Change. This is why I am already instructing the future government to reflect without delay on the mechanisms to be put in place in order to:

•Facilitate the return to the country of all political exiles.

•Amnesty to Prisoners of Conscience.

•Restore the scholarship for secondary school students.

•Financing the national economy with local partners and local financial institutions.

•Create synergy, with the support of local banks, for the payment of pensions for retirees.

•Revise the conditions for granting Gabonese nationality.

•Revise land laws in the Gabonese Republic.

At the end of this transition, with the contribution of all Gabonese development partners, we intend to hand over Power to Civilians by organizing New Free, Transparent and Credible Elections in Peace.

Honor and fidelity to the fatherland. Thank you.” – Brigadier General, Brice Oligui Nguema in his inaugural Speech after being Sworn in as Gabon’s Transition President on September 4, 2023.

The Two Leading Political Figures in Post-Bongo Gabon, Transition President, Brig.Gen Brice Oligui and Opposition Coalition Leader, Prof. Ondo Ossa met on Tuesday, September 5,2023, the Day after Brice Oligui’s Inauguration and shared the following Messages on their Official Social Media Accounts:

“My dear Compatriots, Today at my Home, I had the Opportunity to talk privately in Collegiality with the President of the CTRI. Let us Believe in a Better and Brighter Future for our dear Country, Gabon.”- Alternance 2023 Leader, Prof. Albert Ondo Ossa.

“Today I visited the home of Prof. Ondo Ossa with whom I was able to talk with, in a Friendly atmosphere, in a spirit of Frankness and Constructiveness.”- CTRI-Gabon’s President, Brig.Gen. Brice Oligui.