• 1498-1506-The Coast of East Africa that includes Zanzibar Archipelago  is taken over by the Portuguese after the Explorations of Vasco Dagama. Two Centuries later on 1698, Turkish Oman Empire defeats Portuguese Forces in their Third Attempt to Topple them out of Zanzibar.
  • 1886-Germany and Britain sign the Anglo-German Treaty shortly after the infamous Berlin Conference giving Germany Mandate to take over Tanganyika-Today’s Mainland Tanzania marking the beginning of German East Africa Colonial Territory. Later in 1890-Zanzibar became a British Colonial Territory under the Germany-Britain Helgoland Treaty.
  • July 1905-an Africans Rebellion against Oppressive German Colonial Rule broke out led by a Prophet turned Rebel Leader Kinjekitile Ngwale alias Bokero who rallied Africans in Mainland Tanganyika to Revolt against German Colonial Regime. Kinjekitile would be arrested,charged with Treason and hanged a Month later on August 1905. His Maji Maji Rebellion/Revolution however continued until July 1907 when it was ruthlessly crashed by German Forces. Directly through Killings and indirectly through their Scorched-Earth Hunger Tactic, German Forces were responsible for the Deaths of between 180,000-300,000 Africans in Tanganyika during that War. Although the Rebellion did not reach Fruition; the German Regime had to abolish some of their Oppressive Policies on Africans in Tanganyika as a result. The Rebellion also inspired other African Uprisings against Oppressive Colonial Regimes elsewhere.
  • 1916-a Combination of British, Belgian and British South African Troops invaded and occupied a significant Territory of German East Africa driving out German Forces during the Period of what is said to have been “World War 1”. The Defeat of Germany in this War saw the League of Nations give Britain Mandate to take over Tanganyika in 1919 ending Germany’s 33 Years Rule over Tanganyika.
  • Political Pro-Independence Activists led by Kleist Sykes came together and formed “Tanganyika African Association” in 1929 as their Organization to ask for Independence from British Colonialists. Kleists Sons led by Abdulwahid Sykes took over the Cause after the Death of their Father in 1949.
  • Abdulwahid Kleist met a Teacher one Julius Nyerere, Oscar Kambona and together with 11 Other Independence Activists that included 3 Kenyans formed TANU-Tanganyika African National Union as their rallying point towards their Goal of securing Tanganyika’s Independence.
  • In his Pan-African Unity Ideals, Julius Nyerere presented a Proposal at an Independent African Leaders Summit in Ethiopia in 1960 to have Tanzania’s Independence delayed until when Kenya and Uganda are set for their Independence in a bid to have a Federation of the Three States. Other Senior TANU Leaders were not of his Idea and they continued to push for Tanganyika’s Independence.
  • A General Election was held on August 1960 in preparation for Tanganyika’s Self-Rule. TANU won 70 out of 71 Seats, TANU Leader Nyerere began forming an Independence Government of Tanganyika. On May 1,1961 Tanganyika regained Internal Self-rule with Nyerere as the Prime Minister. Later on December 9,1961 Tanganyika regained its full Independence ending 42 Years of British Colonial Rule in Tanganyika.


  • A Presidential Election was held on November 1962 and PM Nyerere Won to become Tanganyika’s first President with 99% against One Candidate-Zuberi Mtemvu-a TANU Dissident who formed the ANC Party in Tanganyika.  December 9,1962 Tanganyika became a Republic.
  • December 10,1962-the Zanzibar Archipelago Regained its Independence from British Colonialists. It became a Constitutional Monarchy under the Sultan who would later get Toppled in the January 1964 ‘Zanzibar Revolution’. Abeid Karume was named President of the newly formed People’s Republic of Zanzibar and Pemba. Nyerere survived an Army Coup Attempt on the same Month.
  • Mwalimu Julius Nyerere visited Karume in Zanzibar on April 1964 and their Talks led to the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar to form the “United Republic of Tanzania” on April 26,1964 with Nyerere as President and Karume as the first Vice President. Zanzibar would however regain its Semi-Autonomous State under the Unification Constitution. Nyerere’s Attempt to Unify the East African Region of Kenya,Tnazania and Uganda into One Federal State however failed and ended up with the formation of a weak Organisation-the East African Community-in 1967.
  • February 1977-TANU merged with Zanzibar’s Afro-shirazi Party to form-Party of the Revolution-Chama cha Mapinduzi-CCM– which is still in Power Today. Nyerere ruled Tanzania as a One Party Socialist-Ujamaa State for 23 Years until October 1985 when he Voluntarily Announced his Retirement at the Age of 63. Nyerere backed Ali Hassan Mwinyi, a Zanzibari to Succeed him at the end of October 1985. Mwalimu Nyerere is remembererd as Tanzania’s and One of Africa’s Founding Father, a Statesman and Pan-Africanist who wanted to Unite Africa through Regional Federations, a Freedom Fighter who helped Tanzania and other African Countries Demand for their Independece, a Peace Mediator among other Achievements. Later on October 14,1999-Nyerere Died in a London Hospital where he was ailing with Leukaemia at the Age of 77.
  • February 1992-Mwinyi led Tanzania into Multi-Party Democracy via a Constitutional Amendment that ended Tanzania’s 3 Decades of One-Party Rule. Mzee Mwinyi is Today remembered for introducing Multi-Party Democracy and opening up Tanzania’s Economy to the World by dropping Nyerere’s Socialist Policies. A Free Economy accompanied by his Capitalistic Policies slowly alowed Corruption to start taking root in Tanzania.
  • Tanzania’s first Multi-party Elections were held on October 1995. CCM Candidate Benjamin Mkapa with the backing of retired President Julius Nyerere won with 61% against 3 other Candidates. Mkapa’s Economic Reforms and Anti-Corruption Crusade won him a Second 5-Years Term on October 2000 with 71%. Mkapa who died recently on July 2020 from a Heart Attack is remembered as a Peace maker who Negotiated Peace in several African Countries and a Uniter who helped revive the East African Community.
  • On December 2005-Mkapa was Succeeded by another CCM Candidate Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete who won with 80% against 9 other Candidates. Kikwete won himself a second Term later on October 2010 with 63%.


  • Dr.John Pombe Magufuli; a former Chemistry/Mathematics Teacher, former MP and 4 Times Minister won the CCM Ticket for October 2015 General Elections with the backing of retired President Benjamin Mkapa. Magufuli then referred to as a Workaholic due to his Dedication in past State Appointments won the Presidential Election with 58% against 7 other Candidates.
  • 5 Years on; Magufuli’s has been nicknamed as the “Bulldozer” due to his hard Stance and Action on Corruption, Cutting Unnecessary Government Expenditure like Civil Servants Foreign Trips, National Celebrations, his Nationalist Attitude to Foreign Policy and Foreign Companies especially on Mining, Clampdown on Political Activities and Dissent among other Stringent Directives. President Magufuli has only made 7 Trips-(4 in East Africa and 3 in Southern Africa)-outside Tanzania since his Election in 2015; He hasn’t travelled out of Africa for Anything. This has sometimes strained his and Tanzania’s Relationship with the International Community.
  • Magufuli’s Crackdown on Corruption, Misuse and Wastage, Nationalist Policies, Free Primary and Secondary Education, Flagship Development Projects like the $3 Billion-2,115 MW Julius Nyerere Hydroelectrict Power Project-JNHPP, the ongoing $7.6 Billion 1,457KM Standard Gauge Railway that will link Rwanda,Burundi and DR Congo to the Port of Dar Es Salaam while connecting Inland East Africa from Lake Victoria, Steady Economic-GDP-GNI- growth that has recently seen Tanzania rise from a low income Country to a low middle income Country on July 2020 are among some Key Achievements of President Magufuli.
  • Magufuli’s Unconventional and Controversial Approach to the ongoing Global Corona Virus Pandemic has brought him and Tanzania to Global Limelight with an outpouring of mixed Reactions. (Read this Commentary to get the Whole Story). On April 17,2020 Magufuli Announced the Defeat of Corona Virus in Tanzania; the Country has not given any Corona Virus-COVID-19 Update since April 29,2020 when it had reported 509 Cases and 21 Deaths.
  • Magufuli’s deliberate Clampdown on Dissent, Criticism and Political Opposition, Freedom of Speech/Expression, Freedom of the Press-both Local and International and Freedom of the Civil Society has however marred his first 5 Years in Office.


  • There are 29.1 Million Registered Voters who will cast their Votes in 80,155 Polling Stations across Tanzania’s 169 Districts.
  • There are a Total of 15 Presidential Candidates;13 Men and 2 Women in this Election; 60-Years old President Magufuli who is seeking his Second and last Term is the Candidate of CCM-(Africa’s longest ruling Party with smooth Transitions-in Power since Tanzania’s Independence in 1961).
  • Magufuli’s main Challenger is 52-Years old Lawyer and former Singida East MP Tundu Lissu who is the Candidate of Tanzania’s main Opposition Party CHADEMA. Tundu Antiphas Lissu who has been a Critic of President Magufuli since 2015 survived an Assasination Attempt on September 2017 after several Arrests and Detention. Mr.Lissu was fatally shot 16 Times by unknown Gunmen who sprayed his Car with 36 Bullets near his Dodoma Residence. He fled to Kenya and later Belgium where he has undergone at least 20 Surgeries and now walks with a Limp. Lissu who just returned Home from Belgium on July 27,2020 to take on Magufuli in this Election blamed Magufuli for the 2017 Assasination Attempt. Although he has faced Intimidation in his Campaigns; Lissu remains Steadfast and has vowed to Mobilize Millions of Tanzanians to Protest should this Election get rigged. On the eve of this Election Tundu claimed the Polls had already been “heavily rigged” using the “entire Government Systems” in favour of Magufuli and CCM.Early on the Voting Day he decried the Discrimination of his Poll Agents and Stuffed Ballot Boxes in different Places. He called for urgent “Mass Democratic Action to protect the Intergrity of the Election”.
  • Other notable Candidates are former MP and Foreign Affairs Minister Bernard Membe, Economist Prof.Ibrahim Lipumba and Two Women One Queen Sendiga and Cecilia Mwanga.
  • With Independent Local and International Media still sppressed, Few Independent International Observers, Significant Internet and Social Media Channels blockage ahead of this Election and the Draconian Article 41 Clause 7 on the ‘Procedure for the Election of President’ in Tanzania’s Constitution which States That: “When a Candidate is Declared by the Electoral Commission to have been Duly Elected in Accordance with this Article then No Court of Law shall have any Jurisdiction to Inquire into the Election of that Candidate”.The Openness,Credibility and Verifiability of this Election is still in Question.
  • A similar Election will also be taking place at the Semi-Autonomous State of Zanzibar.


  • Tanzania is a Country along the Coast of East Africa sharing a direct Border with 8 African Countries; It’s the largest Country in East Africa and 13th Largest Country in Africa Home to 60 Million People. It’s the 5th most populous Country in Africa.
  • Tanzania is the second largest Economy in East Africa after Kenya with a GDP per capita of $ 1,122.
  • On the latest Human Development Index Tanzania ranked Position 159/189 Globally. On the recent Human Capital Index Tanzania ranked Position 128/157 Globally. About 26 Million or 49% of Tanzanians live below the International Poverty Line of $ 1.90 per Person-per Day according to the World Bank. According to the Country’s National Bureau Of Statistics;14 Million Tanzanians live below the National Poverty Line of Tsh.49,320 a Month.
  • Although it recently graduated from a low income Country to a low middle income Country; Tanzania is still classified on the list of 33 Least Developed Countries-LDCs-.in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Agriculture is among the main Economic Activity in Tanzania accounting for 26% of the National GDP. Tanzania is a significant Producer of Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, Cotton, Cashew Nuts and Oil Seeds. Tanzania is also a Mining Country; It’s among Africa’s top 10 producers of Gold. It also produces other precious Metals like Copper and Tanzanite-(a rare Gemstone that is only found in Tanzania). Tanzania is in the process of developing an LNG Plant for its 57 Trillion Cubic Feet Liquified Natural Gas discovered in Lindi on the Shores of the Indian Ocean.
  • With a huge Coastline of 1,424KM, Tanzania has breathtaking Beaches like Paje, Nungwi and Mnemba in Zanzibar, Iconic Safari Destinations like the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Olduvai Gorge among other Tourist attractions. Tanzania has 7 UNESCO ‘World Heritage Sites’.
  • Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the Highest ‘Free-standing’ Mountain in the World. It’s also the Highest Mountain in Africa.
  • Tanzania’s Official Language is Swahili. English which was inherited from former Colonial Master is a common International Language in Tanzania. With at least 120 Ethnic Communities; Tanzania has one of the richest Diversity of Languages in Africa.
  • Christianity and Islam are the main Religions in Tanzania accounting for 61% and 35% respectively.
  • Tanzanian Shilling-Tsh- is the Country’s Currency.
  • Dar es Salaam and Dodoma are Capital Cities in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam-the first Capital- is however the most prominent and populous City serving both Commercial and Administrative Functions.

Election Results

President Magufuli was Declared Winner of October 28,2020 Presidential Election with an Overwhelming Victory of 84% or 12.5 Million Votes out of 14.8 Million Total Valid Votes Casted.He was later Sworn in to Office on November 5,2020.
His Main Challengers led by CHADEMA’s Party Leader Freeman Mbowe and Presidential Candidate Tundu Lissu,ACT Wazalendo Party Leader Zitto Kabwe and Candidate Seif Shariff Hamad and even former Foreign Affairs Minister Bernard Membe all Denounced the Election and Rejected its Outcome saying the Process was Flawed with Serious Irregularities and Rigging.Magufuli’s Main Challenger Tundu Lissu was Announced a distant Second with 1.9 Million Votes or 13%.#CHADEMA and #ACTWazlaendo in a Joint Statement Vowed to Contest the Election through People’s Protest asking the International Community Not to Recognize #Magufuli‘s Authority via an Election that #TunduLissu terms as “a Travesty and Mockery of Elections and Democracy”.Tanzania’s Independence and Ruling Party CCM also Won the Parliamentary Election with an Overwhelming Victory of 262 out of 264 Elective Seats.In #Zanzibar;Dr.#HusseinMwinyi the Son of former President of Tanzania #AliMwinyi Won the Presidential Election with 76% under CCM.#CCMTanzania has Ruled Tanzania since Independence 59-Years ago;It’s the Longest Ruling Party in #Africa.

Main Opposition Parties;CHADEMA and ACT-Wazalendo in a joint Statement Denounced and Rejected the Election and its Outcome in Totality in both Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
In an 8-Points Resolution;the Parties have called for the Disbandment of #NECTanzania and #ZECZanzibar Electoral Commissions,Formation of New Independent Electoral Commissions and a New General Election as soon as possible.The Parties called for National Peaceful Protest from November 2,2020 until when all their Demands will be met.According to the Statement,Over #20People were #Killed within Electoral Period.
Signed by #CHADEMA Party Leader Freeman Mbowe,#ACTWazalendo Party Leader Zitto Kabwe and Presidential Candidates in both Parties Tundu Lissu and Seif Shariff Hamad;the Leaders called on the International Community and Organizations Not to Recognize Wednesday’s Election and its Outcome and take Action against those who interfered with the Elections.

Tundu Lissu and Freeman Mbowe were however Arrested ahead of their planned Protest but they were later released.At least 150 Members of Opposition in Tanzania were Arrested between the Eve of October 28,2020 Elections to November 10,2020 according to United Nations Human Rights Chief M.Bachelet.Others like former Arusha MP Godbless Lema fled the Country fearing for their Lives.On November 10,2020,Tundu Lissu fled back to his Refuge in Belgium after being holed up at the Residence of Germany’s Ambassador to Tanzania for a Week upon receiving a Death Threat.

President Magufuli’s Sudden Death;

March 17,2021-JOHN POMBE MAGUFULI:Tanzania’s President from November 2015 DIES from what his Vice President and Soon-to-be President of Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan terms as Heart Disease Complications.President John Pombe Magufuli who was last seen in Public on February 27,2021 Died at the Age of 61 in Mzena Hospital in Dar es Salaam according to VP Samia Suluhu who then Declared 21 Days of National Mourning.
March 19,2021-61-Years old Zanzibari H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan Sworn in as the 6th President of the United Republic of Tanzania after the Sudden Death of her Boss;the 5th President of Tanzania John Pombe Magufuli.H.E Samia Suluhu has been serving under President Magufuli as Vice President since November 2015.Samia Suluhu Now becomes the First Woman President in Tanzania and the East African Community. March 26,2021-President Magufuli buried in a State Funeral attended by 10 African Heads of State among Hundreds of other Dignitaries from across Africa and the World at his Home in Chato.




“There comes a Time when One Must take a Position that is neither Safe nor Politic nor Popular but he Must take it because his Conscience tells him it is Right”-Martin Luther King Junior.

Dr. John Pombe Magufuli; the President of Tanzania seems to have exactly taken this Position in his Response to a Virus that has literally brought the entire World to its Knees; Corona Virus Pandemic. President Magufuli who holds a PHD in Chemistry has taken this Position from a Point of Scientific Finding, Rationale and Religious Intervention.

His deepest Conviction to the Position he has taken came early on May when  Samples collected from a Goat, a Pawpaw Fruit and a Bird then sent to a COVID19 Laboratory in Tanzania disguised as Samples from Human Beings Tested Positive for the Corona Virus. Other Samples from a Sheep and another from Engine Oil turned Negative, one from a Jackfruit turned Inconclusive with another one from a Rabbit turning out Indeterminate. This damning Flaw led to the Suspension of the Country’s Head of Laboratory. Further testing of COVID-19  was also suspended and the Country has not given a Status Update since April 29th when the Country had reported 509 Cases and 21 Deaths.

The President also declared 3 Days of National Prayer on April 17th .After these 2 Events; President Magufuli declared the defeat of Corona Virus. He called on the People of Tanzania to continue with their Lives as they did before the Outbreak albeit with subtle Vigilance. The President has categorically disregarded and refrained from making some key Responses being made against the Virus across the World like imposing Lockdowns, Border Closures, Curfews, Banning Social Gatherings, encouraging Social distancing and the wearing of Face Masks.

He is actually on record making mockery of the use of Lockdowns and Face Masks .On April he went on record cautioning Tanzanians and the Country’s Ministry of Health against the use of Face masks from Foreign Donors whose Intention behind such Donation they don’t know. He said some of those Face Masks have been found to be laced with the Virus itself. On May he said those Country’s that have imposed Lockdowns will have a Serious Food Shortage Next Year since their People have stopped being Productive. He said such a Time will be an Opportune Moment for Tanzania to help them with Food. In his most recent Address on July 20th Magufuli reiterated that “Tanzania is safe and that is why none of us here is wearing a Face Mask;Corona Virus has been eliminated”. President Magufuli says Corona Virus is a War like many other Wars across the World.

The Mystery of Corona Virus

As it is; Corona Virus is not just a Pandemic or a global Health Crisis; It is equally a global Mystery and Misery. That up to this moment in time Scientists have not been able to unravel the Origin or Source of the Virus and how it got to Humanity, Its Cure/Treatment is a Reason enough for Anyone to have an Opinion, Inference or take a Position like the one taken by President Magufuli.

That we are in a Time of War and this Virus is a Bioweapon made in a Laboratory as we have all heard in the bitter ongoing Accusations over the Virus Origin and its Laboratory Conspiracies between China where it said to have originated and the USA-now the Worst-hit Country is a Possibility that cannot be ruled out. The Chinese Government is under fire especially from the USA for allegedly covering up the Virus Outbreak and unleashing it to the World.

The sequence of Response right at Get-go to now the Advisory on how it’s contracted and spread, Testing, Precautionary Measures, Mitigation, Medication/Therapeutics and Management of this Disease by the World Health Organization and other Health Regulatory Bodies has been severely Criticized, Questioned and put to to test and Interrogation. An Independent, Impartial and Comprehensive Inquiry on W.H.O.’s International Response to this Pandemic established on May is Underway. The US has officially began the Process of Withdrawing itself from the WHO over how it managed this Outbreak from its Start sometimes at the end of 2019. The Withdrawal of the US from W.H.O is likely to see dire Paralysis if not Collapse of this Global Health Institution; the US is by far its biggest Funder. The US President has repeatedly said the WHO was biased and it thus bungled its Response letting what they had the Power to Contain run out of Control to become what it is Today.

Most recently the Number of Confirmed Cases and Deaths globally has also been questioned. Pundits have said the actual Numbers could be 10 Times high while some Critics have argued that No single Death can be directly attributed to the Virus. Nothing really seems to be Certain about this Pandemic and as such Anything could be Certain about it.

The Fanciful Optimism on the Vaccine’s Way

On April 23th the WHO Director General said that “Our Global Connectedness means the Risk of Re-introduction and Resurgence of COVID-19 will Continue. Ultimately, the development and delivery of a safe and effective Vaccine will be Needed to fully Interrupt Transmission”. As to whether the World will get a Vaccine for this Virus the Answer is Yes. With at least 165 Vaccine Candidates across the World, 27 of them already in various Stages of Clinical Trials; Ultimately the World shall for sure have a Vaccine or even Vaccines for this Virus. Big and Fundamental Questions on possible COVID_19 Vaccine (s) however remain Undetermined. Will a Vaccine really be the Panacea to completely bring this Pandemic to an End? There is no known Vaccine with 100 Efficacy and Effectiveness; Corona Virus Vaccine is highly unlikely to make History as One with such Efficacy. Will we really get a Vaccine that can generate Lifelong Immune Response/Sterilizing Immunity to COVID-19 or will this end up being a Case of Regular Vaccination and Re-Vaccination against the Virus? How safe will such a Vaccine be? the Speed at which the Vaccines are being developed casts huge doubts over their Effectiveness and Safety.

The Mumps Vaccine for instance was developed within a period of 4 Years and it’s the fastest developed and approved Vaccine. That Scientists are determined to develop a Vaccine for nearly 8 Billion People and have it Approved in about 12 Months is a Matter of some great Concern. Throughout History, Development and Approval of Vaccines are known to take up to 15 Years. Again who will be Vaccinated first? the Logistics of Producing, Distributing and Vaccinating 7.8 Billion People are Mind-boggling. What Guarantee is there that this Virus will not have Mutated by the time we have an Approved Vaccine for it ready for distribution?

Another Hurdle in the way of a COVID-19 Vaccine is the heated Politics, Half-Truths, Propaganda and Conspiracy around those who are developing and Funding the development of a Vaccine and this has already started. The ongoing Clinical Trials have faced and are facing Strong Resistance in some Quarters over alleged Conspiracies. A Vaccine for the entire World shall surely be met by intense Interrogation, Debate, Propaganda, Concerns, Conspiracy Theories and Politicization.

On August 3,the W.H.O Director General Dr.Tedros said that a Number of Vaccines are now in phase Three Clinical Trials and that we all hope to have a number of Effective Vaccines that can help prevent People from Infection. He however admitted that there is No Silver Bullet and there might Never be.

So will a Corona Virus Vaccine (s) Eliminate Corona Virus?; the Answer is arguably NO. What such a Vaccine (s) will do is to Stop further Escalation of Corona Virus Pandemic; It’s Prevalence, Morbidity, Mortality and Fatality; If this luckily becomes the Case; It can and shall only happen over Time not Immediately as the General Public has been made to believe.

January 27,2021:Tanzania’s President John Pombe Magufuli continued Controversial Approach to Corona Virus Pandemic; this Time on COVID-19 Vaccines already being administered in at least 50 Countries. So far, a total of 10 COVID-19 Vaccines have been Approved for Use by different Regulatory Bodies in different Countries.“Vaccines are dangerous.The Health Ministry should know that not every Vaccine is meaningful to our Nation.Tanzanians must be mindful so that we are not used for Trials of some doubtful Vaccines which can have serious Repercussions on our Health.If the White Man was able to come up with Vaccines;he would have found a Vaccine for AIDS,Tuberculosis,Malaria and Cancer by now.Let us not think that they love us so much;this Country is Rich,Africa is Rich and Everyone is Jealous of our Vast Wealth.We must be very Careful.We have lived for over One Year without the Virus because God is able and Satan will always fail”.

This Warning by President Magufuli came barely 2 Weeks after an Announcement by the African Union Chairperson-President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa who said that a COVID-19 Vaccines Pre-order Programme for all African Union Member States was already Underway.President Ramaphosa said that the African Union has secured a Provisional 270 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Doses for Africa through its ‘COVID-19 African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team (AVATT)’ alongside the ‘Africa Medical Supplies Platform-AMSP and the Africa CDC.

Back to Magufuli’s Approach

Why is President Magufuli’s Unconventional hence Controversial Approach to COVID-19 Pandemic likely to Vindicate him Eventually?

Words alone cannot express the Toll and Damage COVID-19 Pandemic has Occasioned on the World’s Economic, Social and Cultural Life. This Pandemic has literally brought the World to its Knees, Subjugating One of the most advanced Human Civilization the World has ever seen.

From afar; President Magufuli’s Approach to COVID-19 seems Ignorant but it’s actually Not. The President and the Country’s Ministry of Health do Acknowledge the Reality of Corona Virus and the Dangers it Poses to the Country and its People. The President is on Record telling his People to continue observing Anti-COVID19 Precautions while his Government continues working to bring the Outbreak under Control. On April and May President Magufuli told the Country that the Plague of COVID-19  is going down though it’s not completely under Control. He talked of decreased Hospitalization and Recoveries. He urged Tanzanians to continue Praying and Observing all the Precautions and Advise from Medical Authorities.

President Magufuli maintains that a Sovereign Country like Tanzania cannot allow itself to be Ruled or Controlled by Corona Virus. He said the Country has had to deal with other Viruses in the Past, they did Overcome them and Corona Virus is no different and Life must go on. He noted that Fear and Anxiety around COVID19 is worse than the Virus itself. He urged Tanzanians not to instill Fear into each other.

BASICALLY: by not declaring a State of Emergency, putting Tanzania and Tanzanians into Lockdown, Closures, Curfews, Cessations of Movement and Businesses, Stringent Restrictions on Socio-Economic and Cultural Life; President Magufuli simply wanted the People of Tanzania to calmly at their own pace; acknowledge the Reality of Corona Virus as any other Disease Outbreak in the past that would probably strike and linger on for a forseeable Future.

His Unconventional yet Composed Approach has helped Tanzania avoid the Devastating Toll and Effects the Virus has had on the Economic, Social and Cultural Life of other Nations who took a Disruptive Dire Emergency kind of Approach to the Outbreak.

Some Social Issues Pundits across the World have argued that the World Overreacted to COVID-19 Outbreak blowing it out of Proportion to the Point of making it a Global Pandemic. Observing all the current Precautions plus those expected to come should the W.H.O declare COVID-19 as an Airborne Disease as per the recent Recommendation from some 239 Global Scientists; It would Literally would mean stopping Life and Living as we know it and that is Unthinkable.

With the Current Projections, Hypothesis and Revelations; That the Virus was already circulating across the World way before the first Case was officially Reported. That the actual Number of Cases in each Country are over 10 Times higher than those Reported or Confirmed. That Millions especially the Young and Healthy Population have probably caught the Virus and beat it without Diagnosis and any form of Treatment. That over Half of Global reported Cases have fully Recovered. That over 80% of reported Deaths are People who had Pre-existing Health Problems or Comorbidity. These among many other Revelations and Emerging Evidence clearly indicate that Corona Virus is a Disease that we should have Calmly learnt to Live with; a Disease that we might eventually learn to live with while protecting our most Vulnerable Demographics or those who are at a Risk of getting a Severe form of this Disease. This without Unnecessarily disrupting Life and Living like we have done; This as we wait and hope for an effective Vaccine and Therapeutics to Combat and  Possibly Eliminate it.

AS TO WHETHER; President Magufuli’s Unconventional Approach to COVID-19 will Successfully Stand the Test of Time with its Costs; It’s a Matter of Wait and See.

AS TO WHETHER; the Disruptive, Stringent Dire Emergency Approach to COVID-19 taken by very many Countries across the World will Prove to have been Prudent with its Costs; It’s also a Matter of Wait and See!.


March 17,2021-JOHN POMBE MAGUFULI:Tanzania’s President from November 2015 DIES from what his Vice President and Soon-to-be President of Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan terms as Heart Disease Complications.President John Pombe Magufuli who was last seen in Public on February 27,2021 Died at the Age of 61 in Mzena Hospital in Dar es Salaam according to VP Samia Suluhu who then Declared 21 Days of National Mourning.
March 19,2021-61-Years old Zanzibari H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan Sworn in as the 6th President of the United Republic of Tanzania after the Sudden Death of her Boss;the 5th President of Tanzania John Pombe Magufuli.H.E Samia Suluhu has been serving under President Magufuli as Vice President since November 2015.Samia Suluhu Now becomes the First Woman President in Tanzania and the East African Community. March 26,2021-President Magufuli buried in a State Funeral attended by 10 African Heads of State among Hundreds of other Dignitaries from across Africa and the World at his Home in Chato.

April 6,2021-President Samia Suluhu ordered the formation of a COVID-19 Scientific Experts Taskforce to come up with a New Order on COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania.The Taskforce Report brought a New Order in Corona Virus Pandemic in Tanzania;a Sharp Reversal and Opposite of President Magufuli’s Regime Order on the same.Tanzania Rejoins the World in adhering to COVID-19 Pandemic Global Order. JULY 28-2021-Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan receives a Dose of US-made Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine to Officially Launch COVID-19 Vaccination in Tanzania;a Move in Sharp Contrast to the Stance of her former Boss the late President John Pombe Magufuli who had repeatedly declared the Defeat and End of COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania with a Vehement Anti-COVID-19 Vaccines and Vaccination Crusade.On July 24,2021;Tanzania received a Donation of 1,058,400 Doses of Single Shot Janssen-Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine from the United States of America barely a Month after joining the Global COVID-19 Vaccines Sharing,Donation and Acquisition Program-COVAX.On June 28,2021;President Samia Suluhu said her Administration has set aside $477 Million or TZS 1.1 Trillion to Import Vaccines among other Pandemic related Interventions.The Country’s Health Minister Dr.Dorothy Gwajima who was advocating Unscientific and Natural Methods/Remedies like Steam Inhalation and local Herbs/Concoctions in combating Corona Virus Pandemic under President Magufuli ‘s Administration has also made an About-turn and is now advocating for COVID-19 Vaccines saying they are Safe,Certified and Effective.She also got a Jab of the J&J Vaccine.