“We, the African Heads of State and Government, gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi, Kenya, Express Concern that many African countries face disproportionate burdens and risks arising from climate change-related, unpredictable weather events and patterns, including prolonged droughts, devastating floods, and wild/forest fires, which cause massive humanitarian crises with detrimental impacts on economies, health, education, peace, and security, among other risks, Acknowledge that climate change is the single greatest challenge facing humanity and the single biggest threat to all life on Earth. It demands urgent and concerted action from all nations to lower emissions and reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Recognize that Africa is not historically responsible for global warming, but bears the brunt of its effect, impacting lives, livelihoods, and economies, Call Upon the Global community to act with Urgency in reducing Emissions, fulfilling its Obligations, keeping Past Promises, and supporting the Continent in addressing Climate Change, specifically to: accelerate all efforts to reduce Emissions to align with the Paris Agreement, Honor the Commitment to provide $100 Billion in annual Climate Finance as promised 14 years ago at the Copenhagen Conference, Uphold Commitments to a fair and accelerated process of phasing down Coal and abolishment of all Fossil Fuel Subsidies, and Swiftly operationalize the Loss and Damage facility agreed at COP 27”. – reads part of Africa’s DECLARATION on Climate Change after the End of the historic First African Climate Change Summit, held in Nairobi Kenya on September 4 to September 6. This inaugural Summit brought together 13 African Heads of State and Government in Nairobi.

The stark Absence of Presidents of Africa’s biggest Polluters/ Emitters of Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases, Presidents Ramaphosa of South Africa, El-sisi of Egypt, Tebboune of Algeria and Tinubu of Nigeria in this Summit Casts Doubt on the Viability of the United African Front and Voice in Combating Carbon Emissions and Climate Change in the upcoming COP 28 in Dubai and beyond, as proposed by the Leaders present in the Nairobi Summit.

In a joint Call to Action, the Summiturged World Leaders to rally behind the Proposal for a Global Carbon Taxation regime including a Carbon Tax on Fossil Fuel Trade, Maritime Transport and aviation, that may also be augmented by a Global Financial Transaction Tax-FTT to provide dedicated, affordable and accessible Finance for Climate-positive Investments.

Kenya’s President William Ruto; the Host of this Summit deplored Underinvestment in Africa’s Renewable Energy Resources. Africa accounts for over 40% of all Renewable Energy Resources in the World. To accomplish the Vision of Economic Transformation in harmony with Climate needs, the Summit called upon the International Community to contribute or invest towards increasing Africa’s Renewable Generation Capacity from the current 56 GW to at least 300 GW by 2030.

Africa is also Home to the World’s Biggest Carbon Sink, Peatland, Rainforest and Carbon Sequestration Capacity. Africa’s Congo Basin absorbs more Carbon Dioxide than the Amazon; a Global Climate Change Mitigation Service, for which, President William Ruto says Africa should get Compensation.

President Ruto has described this inaugural Africa Climate Summit as a Success; Governments, the Private Sector, Multilateral Banks and Philanthropists have pledged to commit $ 23 Billion for Green growth, Mitigation and Adaptation efforts across Africa.