Africa Youth Day 2018;Did African Youths Show Any Vibe

Thursday November 1,2018 was Africa Youth Day in line with African Union Calendar.If the observations made on that day are anything to go by then the indifference shown by the Young People across Africa on a day that was theirs for the taking is really disturbing.There was virtually no acknowledgement leave alone activity for this occasion.The days Theme “Raising Youth Voices against Corruption in Africa” did not make the situation any better especially for this Politically alienated group across Africa.In the World’s youngest Continent where over 60% of it’s Population is under the age of 25 Years;this is indeed a worrying Phenomenon that should be a wake-up call to our Heads of State under the African Union.

The Youths must wake up to the fact that nothing is for them without them.Our Leaders must also stop lying to the Youths that they are building the Future for the Youths and instead build the Youths for the Future because the Success and Prosperity of our Continent can only be guaranteed by what we do now.The future is now.
The African Union Commission must in this light embark on a serious mission of radical renaissance of Afrocentric Afro-Optimism.The Youths must in this be ready to play a Central role,offer their ideas towards the designing and shaping of an Ideal Africa that they would want to take over.None of them should be left behind because a great future we envision Today requires our collective input and effort.
This is the only sure way that Africa and her People can without doubt be confident and optimistic of a brighter,progressive and prosperous present and future for all.