
Almost every child if not all children at Primary School level have one big dream in common.A dream they all cherish and long for its fulfillment.These young minds are ready to sacrifice their all to have this dream achieved.This dream is no other but the dream of setting their feet at the highest institution of learning on Earth that is the University level or what is in this age referred to as the Campus level.This is the pinnacle of academics.I myself was no exception in this dream journey.I envisioned the dream,nourished it with  hardwork and determination so that only death could part me with it.All these paid off for I secured myself a place at that magnificent university campus along Thika Super Highway; Zetech University I say.That was indeed a chance of a lifetime.The transition to campus was an amazing one.I experienced a series of surprises at the different aspects of my new life.I now had to blend into a new culture,people,structures,language,lifestyle and general code of conduct.Allow me now to walk you to the campus and show you how it was all like.Upon landing the premises,you will be surprised there are no class rooms but lecture halls,no lessons but lectures,no teachers but lecturers.At the lecture halls you will find fellow comrades not fellow students.Various lecturers will take you through various units not subjects.At your first semester not first term you will have core units not compulsory subjects and selective units not optional subjects.You will select a class representative not a prefect and a President to lead the comrades not a captain.At your first semester you will be a fresha not a mono or a joka. There will be campus hang outs not funkiez where comrades mingle and have fun.It’s here you will find new structures like a tuck shop not a canteen.You will also find a university restaurant that sells classy but expensive dishes.This is mostly a no-go- zone for hustlers,spend-phobia victims and those to whom HELB is just but a Vocabularly. You will also find a university mess;this is a food point that sells cheap and get this,confused dishes to those who know the above described joint by looks and location only.You will also find a strange looking structure known as an auditorium that hosts concerts,theater works and speeches.You also will see a conference hall for general meetings and a boardroom for executive meetings.You will also enjoy yourself at the various chill spots,gymnasium,swimming pool among other facilities around the comrades’ center. these are stuffs that awe freshas especially those transiting direct from high school.Don’t be surprised to see your lecturer giving you a C.A.T. or an assignment,that is called coursework and adds up to 40% of your final mark and gets complemented by your end of semester exam that carries 60% .Campus is therefore no slumber land though here people study smart not hard like at high school.There is also a project and an industrial attachment at the end of your certificate,diploma or degree course both of which are very demanding.At campus you can choose when and how to learn.You can choose to be a regular or daytime student,evening student,online and distance learning student depending on your flexibility.Unlike High School,at campus you dress per your wish,so even if you want to attend looking like a rainbow it’s you to choose.At campus you reside where you feel like,some at hostels,others at tenant rooms while others commute from their homes to come and learn.Crimes and irregularities are punishable so life there is no anarchy,if you decide to be a goon you will face the law in its full force.Here you will find diversity in tribe,race,age,religion,social-economic status and in many other aspects but we all co-exist as one fraternity of learners.It’s here you will witness the mad craze that comes along with the two most- hyped events that is Mr and Miss University and University students elections races.These are events that usually puts the core business at the campus at a momental halt and turn those aspiring mad with intensive campaigns to grab them.Lest I forget,Campus is also a nest of lovebirds.Every man got a lady and vice versa.Don’t get surprised when you see a couple displaying affection in public.This is normal but also a gun of keeping off a team called Mafisi that roams about making passes at every beautiful lass at campus.In a nutshell,Campus life is pleasant and a crave for many.It only calls for a sense of purpose,proper perspective,focus and rationality to succeed.It’s apparent that prosperity in life is the crown and promise for every successful graduate from Campus.