To our parents,other senior members of the society and the juniors;to whom we as the Now Generation are,or rather ought to be their mirror,I would like,on behalf of this generation in which I belong,to share something with you concerning us.Allow me to begin with one unequivocal declaration;that,No matter what comes our way,our Futures are Bright.I am in agreement that our merits are way low and demerits on the rise.This is no reason to worry for all is not lost since the situation is under control and hence redressable.Our various unchecked and some to us,unfathomable undoings are causing serious injuries to our lives and even to our social standing in the society.Our resolve and March towards our dreams remains undeterred notwithstanding.I can attest that we have had few role models in our coming up to learn the good ways of Life from but we don’t regret upon that.We are  well on course on the road to success.Our greatest setback apparently is ignorance to the role of reason and rationale guide in our daily undertakings.We have underrated and hence underworked the greatest asset a human being has;the brains,this is so far dealing us the heaviest blow.My Fellows, if only we learn how to capitalize on on our minds,then our lives would take a magical turnaround.I would also want to call upon all the members of the society to suport us morally and materially and continously give us the assurance that indeed we are headed for greatness.Upon doing that,we shall set a trend hitherto unseen to the juniors to look up to.I believe that nothing can stand the way of a Willful heart.We are on a mission to exhaust our Potentials to the fullest in a mad chase after our dreams.

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